


Your company has a single Active Directory domain. The company network is protected by a firewall.Remote users connect to your network through a VPN server by using PPTP. When the users try to connect to the VPN server, they receive the following error message: °Error 721:
The remote computer is not responding.You need to ensure that users can establish a VPN connection.
What should you do?()

A . Open port 1423 on the firewall.
B . Open port 1723 on the firewall.
C . Open port 3389 on the firewall.
D . Open port 6000 on the firewall.

对于经过加工包装进行销售的种子和可以不经过加工包装进行销售的种子来说,种子标签的制作形式 是不同的,请简要说明种子标签的制作形式。 上肢大动脉出血应结扎在上臂的()1/3处。 上。 中。 下。 管理心理学的研究出应遵循辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的转学知道思想之外,还必须重视如下具体的原则() 客观性原则。 系统性原则。 理论联系实际的原则。 发展性原则。 定量与定性研究相结合的原则。 某共同犯罪案件,主犯李某住甲地,实施犯罪行为在乙地,同伙王某和陈某分别住丙地和丁地,此案应由()公安机关管辖。 甲地。 乙地。 丙地。 丁地。 You have an enterprise subordinate certification authority (CA). The CA issues smart card logon  certificates.     Users are required to log on to the domain by using a smart card. Your company’s corporate  security policy states that when an employee resigns, his ability to log on to the network must be  immediately revoked.     An employee resigns. You need to immediately prevent the employee from logging on to the  domain.     What should you do() Revoke the employee’s smart card certificate.。 Disable the employee’s Active Directory account.。 Publish a new delta certificate revocation list (CRL).。 Reset the password for the employee’s Active Directory account.。

Your company has a single Active Directory domain. The company network is protected by a firewall.Remote users connect to your network through a VPN server by using PPTP. When the users try to connect to the VPN server, they receive the following error message: °Error 721:
The remote computer is not responding.You need to ensure that users can establish a VPN connection.
What should you do?()




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