


In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), users complain about performance degradation.
How does real-time Automatic database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check performance degradation and provide solutions?()

A . It collects data from SGA and compares it with a preserved snapshot.
B . It collects data from SGA, analyzes it, and provides a report.
C . It collects data from SGA and compares it with the latest snapshot.
D . It collects data from both SGA and PGA, analyzes it, and provides a report

简述有规则游戏的指导要点。 2004年1月,原告杨某(男)结识了被告韩某(女)。同年8月27日,韩某用手机发短信给杨某,向他借钱应急,短信中说:“我需要5000元,刚回北京做了眼睛手术,不能出门,你汇到我的卡里。”杨某见短信后立即将钱汇给了韩某。一周后,杨某再次收到韩某的短信,又借给其6000元并汇到了韩某的账户。因都是短信来往,两次汇款杨先生都没有索要借据。借了两次钱后,韩某非但没有还钱,反而继续向杨某借钱。杨某起了疑心,要求韩还钱。但几经催要,韩某只是发短信说:“我一定还,但需要等一段时间。”可韩某还是久欠未还,杨某逐将韩某告上了法庭。并提交了银行汇款单存单两张。但韩某却称这是杨先生归还以前欠她的欠款。法院审理认为,手机短信载明的款项数额、往来时间与杨某在银行的业务凭证相符,同时短信还载明了被告承诺偿还借款的意思表示,证据间相互印证,故可以认定被告向原告借款的事实。据此,法院判令被告韩某偿还原告人民币1.1万元。本案中的手机短信是数据电文吗?其证据力如何? When will a skills-based CSQ that requires a skill competency of four (4) select an IPCC Express agent? () if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of nine (9) in another skill defined in CRS 。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of one (1) in the required skill for the CSQ。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of seven (7) in the required skill for the CSQ。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of three (3) in the required skill defined in CRS。 A customer wants to TFTP a new image from the corporate network to Flash on the Teleworker router through the IPSec tunnel. How should you configure the Teleworker router?() No additional steps are required. 。 Add the appropriate source-interface command. 。 The router cannot access a server in the Enterprise Campus network. 。 The Teleworker Router does not have any client applications; therefore this type of request is not possible.。 编写一段程序,有a,b 两个整数,现在要把a变成两数中的较大值,把b变成较小的值,比如原来a = 1, b= 5,通过程序要变成 a = 5,b = 1

In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), users complain about performance degradation.
How does real-time Automatic database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check performance degradation and provide solutions?()





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