

[单选] In the event of a casualty to a ship,who is responsible to make records available to the Coast Guard official authorized to investigate the casualty?()

A . Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection
B . The person who caused the casualty
C . The company man
D . The owner

独立光伏系统由什么组成? 一般的PC内存的引脚可以分为()线。 32、64、128、256。 30、72、168、184。 16、32、48、64。 32、84、168、184。 战勤保障大队救生缓降器储备数量为10只。 With reference to a radial piston pump, which one of the following statements is false?() Surrounding the fixed shaft is a hollow shaft。 This hollow shaft carries radial bores。 Each bore is fitted with a well-lapped plunger。 There are always even numbers of bore。 各行社应当根据自身业务发展情况和风险管控能力确定合作的保险公司数量,原则上一家行社与寿险和财险公司合作的数量分别不得超过()。 一家。 两家。 五家。 五家以上。 In the event of a casualty to a ship,who is responsible to make records available to the Coast Guard official authorized to investigate the casualty?()



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