


Users on the network cannot reach the server located on the network.The network administrator connected to console port,issued the show ip route command,and was able to ping the server.Based on the output of the show ip route command topology shown in the graphic,what is the cause of the failure?()

A . IP routing is not enabled
B . A static route is configured incorrectly
C . The network has not fully converged
D . The FastEthernet interface on Coffee is disabled
E . The routing table on Coffee has not updated
F . The neighbor relationship table is not correctly updated

燃烧室 班主任个体教育技能的培训与提高应侧重于以下几方面:()。 了解学生的技能。 心理咨询的技能。 注重典型学生的技能。 提高处理突发事件的技能。 操行评定的技能。 某32×2.5G工程为一链型组网,发端OTU使用TWC,收端OTU使用RWC,这时测试MPI-R点λ1的光信噪比,结果为为17dB,RWC一直有少量误码产生。后用LWC代替TWC和RWC,λ1这波业务不再上报误码。为什么? 有人对主耶稣说;怀你和乳养你的有福了,主怎么说的? 古代希腊雅典卫城的主体建筑是帕提农神庙,其柱式特征为() 爱奥尼克式。 科林斯柱式。 多利克式。 罗马式。

Users on the network cannot reach the server located on the network.The network administrator connected to console port,issued the show ip route command,and was able to ping the server.Based on the output of the show ip route command topology shown in the graphic,what is the cause of the failure?()




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