

[多选] Which four actions are possible during an Online Data file Move operation?()

A . Creating and dropping tables in the data file being moved
B . Performing file shrink of the data file being moved
C . Querying tables in the data file being moved
D . Performing Block Media Recovery for a data block in the data file being moved
E . Flashing back the database
F . Executing DML statements on objects stored in the data file being moved

往复式压缩机气缸内留有一定的内、外止点间隙,是为了克服气缸与活塞热膨胀不一致,避 免活塞端面与气缸端面发生碰撞。 某患者,男性,32岁,肩背部红、肿、热、痛5d,人院后护理评估发现,T38、9℃p93/min、R22/min;肩背部可见一直径10cm的发红区,高出皮肤,其中心发紫,周边发红,其内可见多个脓头,挤压疼痛,且有灰白色脓液流出。选择抗生素最理想的依据为() 脓液性质。 感染的严重化程度。 药物的抗菌谱。 细菌培养药敏试验。 细菌种类。 园林树种规划的内容: 自劳动能力鉴定结论作出2年后,工伤职工或者其近亲属、所在单位或者经办机构认为伤残情况发生变化的,可以申请劳动能力鉴定复查。 专利权 Which four actions are possible during an Online Data file Move operation?()



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