

[单选] () shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above to record relevant machinery space and cargo/ballast operations.

A . Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ
B . Oil Record Book Part Ⅱ
C . Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ or Part Ⅱ
D . Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ and Part Ⅱ

The term LEE SHORE refers to the(). shore on the lee side of the vessel。 shore that is in the lee。 western shore of the Lesser Antilles。 shore in a harbor of refuge。 通过农信银系统办理异地通存业务时,客户()。 无需出示银行卡或存折,但必须填写正确的户名和账号。 必须出示银行卡或存折,无需使用密码。 必须出示银行卡或存折,且必须使用密码。 必须出示银行卡或存折,且必须填写正确的户名和账号。 LED的材料制备包括什么()。 A.外延片的制备。 B.衬底材料的制备。 C.外延片的生长。 D.衬底材料的生长。 失票人应在办理银行汇票挂失止付申请后的()个工作日之内,到出票社所在地人民法院办理公示催告。 5。 7。 10。 12。 The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the()of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations. visibility。 ability。 reliability。 capability。 () shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above to record relevant machinery space and cargo/ballast operations.



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