

[单选] 脱硫操作时,若H2S含量高于30ppm时,应()PDS滴加量,H2S含量正常后再恢复PDS的滴加量。

A . 加大
B . 减小
C . 关停
D . 不用调节

色盲是是人类伴性遗传的疾病,如果姐妹几人的父亲和外祖父是色盲,母亲正常,她们换色盲的概率应该是() 100%。 50%。 25%。 0%。 脱硫操作时,若加大PDS滴加量后H2S含量仍超高,则可能是PH值()。 偏低。 偏高。 过高。 不影响。 The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that(). The Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlers。 The Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlers。 The Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers。 The Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandler。 The Charterer is entitled to the benefit of the excepted perils during the transit of the goods from storing place to the actual place of loading,provided such transit substantially ()part of the operation of loading. has the form of a。 forms。 is in the form of a。 is to form a。 熔硫釜与整个熔硫过程中,釜内温度不能超过(),以免釜压过高。 135℃。 80℃。 100℃。 150℃。 脱硫操作时,若H2S含量高于30ppm时,应()PDS滴加量,H2S含量正常后再恢复PDS的滴加量。



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