

[单选] Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service.

A . send
B . withdraw
C . let go
D . take off

岩石允许暴露面积越大,越不稳固。 展参展商决定参展后,选择合适的展位是需要和主办商进行两次交流的重要事宜。 PowerPoint 2003中,如果要在普通视图中预览动画,应使用()命令。 幻灯片放映中的观看放映。 幻灯片放映中的自定义放映。 幻灯片放映中的“自定义动画”中的“播放”按钮。 幻灯片放映中的幻灯片切换。 含油污水中的含()浓度在进入滤器前应达到50ppm。 油。 水。 有机物。 无机物。 岩石的弹性愈大,凿岩爆破愈容易。 Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service.



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