

[单选] An Enterprise decides to implement Authentication Proxy for per-user authentication for home offices. Each home office also supports an IP Phone. What should you do?()

A . Configure Access Control Lists to ensure Voice over IP traffic is checked by Auth Proxy.
B . Configure pNAT to ensure Voice over IP packets are properly translated.
C . Configure IOS firewall to permit RTP port numbers through the firewall via VPN. 
D . Configure Access Control Lists to allow Voice over IP traffic to bypass Auth Proxy checking.

汪曾祺早期用意识流方法写的一篇小说是《()》。 门窗工程应对()指标进行复验。 抗风压性能。 隐蔽部位的防腐、填嵌处理。 人造木板的甲醛含量。 雨水渗漏性能。 Which three built-ins can you use to navigate between forms invoked with the OPEN_FORM built-in? () CLOSE_FORM 。 NEXT_FORM 。 GO_FORM 。 PREVIOUS_FORM。 Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: Which statement shows the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department?() SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary > MAX(salary);。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, job_cat;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, job_cat, salary。 某工程一现浇钢筋混凝土梁的跨度为8m,若设计无要求时,其起拱高度可为()。 4mm。 6mm。 8mm。 30mm。 An Enterprise decides to implement Authentication Proxy for per-user authentication for home offices. Each home office also supports an IP Phone. What should you do?()



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