

[问答题] 简述裂头蚴的生活史。

海水化学资源主要是指什么()。 ["钠盐","钾盐","溴素","镁盐"] When inspecting a tank barge to see that it has all the required fire extinguishers and other safety items aboard,which of the following is the best source for determining what is required? () ["The supervisor in charge of the dock to which the barge is tied up","Part 38 of the Rules and Regulations for Tank Vessels","The Certificate of Inspection of the barge","The local fire marshal"] () is the circulation and refreshing of the air in a space without necessarily a change of temperature. ["Refrigeration","Air conditioning","Ventilation","Heating"] 在计算机存储容量中,1MB准确等于() ["1024×1024字","1024×1024字节","1000×1000字节","1000×10000字"] 以下属于信息处理中的一个环节的有()。 ["采集","变换","传递","检测"] 简述裂头蚴的生活史。



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