

[填空题] 若实体A和B是1对多的联系,实体B和C是(),则实体A和C是()。

当空运货物为重货时,一般按照货物的()作为计费重量 ["实际净重","体积重量","实际毛重","较高重量较低运价的分界点重量"] 对于经过加工包装进行销售的种子和可以不经加工包装进行销售的种子来说,种子标签的制作形式是不同的,请简要说明种子标签的制作形式。 "缔造优秀团队的具体途径包括() ["为团队确立明确的目标","为团队配备恰当的领导","使协作观念深入人心","为团队营造平等的文化氛围"] You are the domain administrator for your company's Active Directory domain. All client computers run Windows 2000 Professional. You recently deployed 10 new servers that run Windows Server 2003. You placed the servers in a new organizational unit (OU) named W2K3Servers. Anne is another network administrator. You need to configure the appropriate permissions to allow Anne to manage the new servers by using Terminal Services from her client computer. You need to assign Anne only the permissions she needs to perform her job. What should you do? () [" Add Anne's user account to the local Power Users group on each server that runs Windows Server 2003."," Add Anne's user account to the Remote Desktop Users group on each server that runs Windows Server 2003."," Assign Anne's user account the Allow - Read and the Allow - Write permissions for the W2K3Servers OU."," Configure the Managed By property for the W2K3Servers OU to Anne's user account."] 不具有脱水作用的药物是() ["50%葡萄糖","5%葡萄糖","20%甘露醇","25%山梨醇"] 若实体A和B是1对多的联系,实体B和C是(),则实体A和C是()。



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