

[单选] Special thrust devices are provided on ships to improve their () at zero ship speed when the rudder is relatively ineffective.

A . brake capabilities
B . reversing capabilities
C . maneuvering capabilities
D . acceleration capabilitie

坏账准备是指金融企业对各项()预计可能产生的坏账损失计提的准备。 贷款。 应收款项。 资产。 应收利息。 Finally,when your ship is alongside,don’t forget(). having rat guards properly mounted on your moorings。 to have rat guards properly mounted on your moorings。 to have rat guards properly mounting at your moorings。 having rat guards proper mounted on your mooring。 如果没有对渠道成员的需求,只需要自行设立客户服务机构,在接受订单后直接按照订单发货,过程中只需要物流公司的支持,则采取的销售渠道模式为()。 氮进入生态系统的途径包括:() 生物固氮。 空气固氮。 高能固氮。 工业固氮。 在VB中,执行"A=123:B=Str$(A)"语句后,B的数据结构(类型)为() 整型数。 字节型。 实型数。 字符型。 Special thrust devices are provided on ships to improve their () at zero ship speed when the rudder is relatively ineffective.



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