

[单选] A warp end may be fitted for operating the derrick topping wire which adjusts the derrick ().

A . length
B . slack
C . height
D . rotation directio

In terms of vessel manning,a watch is the(). direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotation。 performance of maintenance work necessary for the vessel's safe operation,on a daily basis。 performance of lookout duties。 direct performance of cargo loading and discharge operations only。 某些蝶类的翅上生有许多小眼斑,其功能是:() 警戒色。 吸引小鸟。 保护色。 拟态。 “火灾控制计划”是由防火安全小组制定的。 一个可食物种模拟一个不可食物种称为:() 贝次拟态。 缪勒拟态。 警戒色。 拟态集团。 Even in the absence of express instructions,the authority of the master of a ship is very large and()to all acts that are usual and necessary for the employment of the ship. expends。 spreads。 extends。 enlarge。 A warp end may be fitted for operating the derrick topping wire which adjusts the derrick ().



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