


You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales representatives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales representatives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate.  
You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements.
Which SQL query should you use?()

A . SELECT s.AgentName,SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgents JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentName
B . SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate AND o.OrderTotal >= 2000GROUP BY s.AgentName
C . SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentID WHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND@ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal)>=2000
D . SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID=o.AgentIDWHERE o.ordertotal=2000 AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000

关于劳动者的经济补偿金下列说法错误的是()。 用人单位拒不为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的情况下解除劳动合同的,用人单位应当按照劳动者在本单位的工作年限,每满一年发给劳动者相当于一个月工资的经济补偿金。 用人单位在未订立书面合同,但已经形成劳动关系情况下提前30日提出终止劳动关系的,也应发给劳动者经济补偿金。 因用人单位解散,或者被依法撤销、宣告破产,或者因其他原因终止的,应发给劳动者经济补偿金。 当事人约定的经济补偿金超过法律规定的标准的,约定无效。 You have a file server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2.You configure quotas on the server.You need to view each user¯s quota usage on a per folder basis What should you do?() From File Server Resource Manager, create a File Screen.。 From File Server Resource Manager, create a Storage Management report.。 From the command prompt, run dirquota.exe quota list.。 From the properties of each volume, review the Quota Entries list.。 毒物进入体内的所有途径中,发生作用最快的是:() 吸入、注射。 吸入、口服。 注射、口服。 粘膜吸收、口服。 利率是资金的时间价值同投入资金价值的比率,是衡量资金增值程度的数量指标。 畜牧企业计划管理的作用和任务主要有哪些?

You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales representatives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales representatives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate.  
You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements.
Which SQL query should you use?()




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