

[单选] The external flotation bladder of an immersion suit should be inflated().

A . only after two hours in the water
B . only after four hours in the water
C . before entry into the water
D . upon entry into the water

The control spindle operates the slipper ring or () of the variable delivery pump, which controls the suction and discharge of the oil. servo-motor。 swash plate。 plunger。 cylinder。 接处警时当报警人难以正确表述时,应该怎么办? 简述处置精神病人、醉酒人时应注意的礼仪规范。 简述长棘吻虫病的症状和病理变化。 战略是一种观念的重要实质在于,它同()、文化和()等精神内容一样为企业成员所共享。 The external flotation bladder of an immersion suit should be inflated().



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