

[问答题] 运行中的TV严重缺油有何危害?

客服员在受理户内燃气设施漏气报修业务时,应提醒用户做到()。 ["及时撤离","用明火检测","关闭阀门","开窗通风"] A current will develop between areas of different density in ocean waters. If you face in the same direction the current is flowing,the water of(). ["high density will be on the left in the Northern Hemisphere","high density will be on the right in the Southern Hemisphere","low density will be on the left in the Northern Hemisphere","low density will be on the left in the Southern Hemisphere"] A(n)() is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts. ["informative note","consignment note","store booklet","maintenance book"] 说明普通干藏、密封干藏的做法。 退费业务的办理流程包括()。 ["告知退费金额","退费审批","办理退款","用户收款、签字认可"] 运行中的TV严重缺油有何危害?



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