

[单选] 有一台Y/Y-12接线的变压器,当低压侧BC相短路时,判断下列()正确。

A . IB=IC,IA=0
C . IA=IB,IC=0

Which two statements are correct about database transportation?()   The source and target platforms must be the same。  Redo logs,control files and temp files are also transported。  The transported database must have the same database identifier (DBID) as the source database and cannot be changed。  The COMPATIBLE parameter must be set to or higher and the database must be opened in readonly mode before being transported。  Recovery Manager (RMAN) is used to convert the necessary data files of the database if the target platform is different and has different endian format。 下列方法中,不属于明龙骨吊顶饰面板的安装方法是()。 搁置法。 钉固法。 嵌入法。 卡固法。 叙述成本法应用的前提条件。 能够燃烧的低压液化气体共有()种。 5。 6。 17。 25。 Which three statements are true about adaptive SQL plan management?() It automatically performs verification or evolves non-accepted plans, in COMPREHENSIVE mode when they perform better than existing accepted plans.。 The optimizer always uses the fixed plan, if the fixed plan exists in the plan baseline.。 It adds new, bettor plans automatically as fixed plans to the baseline.。 The non-accepted plans are automatically accepted and become usable by the optimizer if they perform better than the existing accepted plans.。 The non-accepted plans in a SQL plan baseline are automatically evolved, in COMPREHENSIVE mode, during the nightly maintenance window and a persistent verification report is generated.。 有一台Y/Y-12接线的变压器,当低压侧BC相短路时,判断下列()正确。



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