

[多选] Which two statements are true about the Oracle Direct Network File system (DNFS)?()

A . It utilizes the OS file system cache.
B . A traditional NFS mount is not required when using Direct NFS.
C . Oracle Disk Manager can manage NFS on its own, without using the operating kernel NFS driver.
D . Direct NFS is available only in UNIX platforms.
E . Direct NFS can load-balance I/O traffic across multiple network adapters.

Identify three components of the WebLogic JMS architecture.() JMS Server。 JMS Module。 Node Manager。 Queue Manager。 Persistent Store。 高速钢制造的丝锥标志为HSS。 In your production database, you have multiple resource plan directives that refer to the customer group DB_GRP. Which two statements are correct? ()  The parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the minimum of all the incoming values.。  The parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the maximum of all the incoming values.。  The maximum estimated execution time for DB_GRP would be the most nonrestrictive of all incoming values.。  If a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would not execute if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.。  Is a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would execute even if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.。 You have a master-detail relationship in the EMPLOYEE form module. You set the Delete Record Behavior property to Cascading. When a user deletes a master record, how does Forms implement the cascade-delete foreign-key rule? () With a Pre-Delete trigger. 。 With an On-Delete trigger. 。 With a Post-Delete trigger. 。 With the On-Check-Delete-Master trigger.。 适应可持续发展的产业结构政策应该是() A.改组第二产业 。 B.催生新兴产业 。 C.大力发展服务业 。 D.鼓励支持环保产业 。 E.重点发展第三产业。 Which two statements are true about the Oracle Direct Network File system (DNFS)?()



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