

[问答题] 简述强度相对指标与平均指标的区别。

Your company has a server named Printer1 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Printer1 has the Print and Document Services server role installed.You need to reduce the number of events registered in the system log on Printer1.  What should you do?() [" Open the Event Viewer console. Create a custom view for the system log. Exclude the events that are notified by Event ID 10 from the filter."," Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of Printer1 and clear the Log spooler information events option."," Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of Printer1 and clear the Show informational notifications for network printers option."," Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of each individual printer on Printer1 and clear the Enable advanced printing features option."] 公安机关消防机构及其工作人员有()行为之一的,依照有关规定给予责任人员处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 ["未按照本规定组织开展消防监督抽查的","发现火灾隐患不及时通知有关单位和个人整改的","接受被检查单位、个人财物或者其他不正当利益的","其他滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的行为"] 在使用仿制图章复制图像时,每一次释放左键后再次开始复制图像,都将从原取样点开始复制,而非按断开处继续复制,其原因是下列哪一项?() [" 此工具的【对齐】复选框未被选中"," 此工具的【对齐】复选框被选中"," 操作的方法不正确"," 此工具的【用于所有图层】复选框被选中"] 以下属于目前我国工程总承包存在的具体问题的是()。 ["A.设计单位的体制尚未彻底转变 ","B.组织体系不健全 ","C.缺乏高素质的项目管理人才 ","D.以上都是"] 系统实施阶段主要文档有哪些() ["程序设计报告","系统使用说明书","系统分析报告","系统测试报告"] 简述强度相对指标与平均指标的区别。



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