

[填空题] Photoshop中所运用的滤镜分为()滤镜和()滤镜。

《安全生产法》规定,负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门可依法对存在重大事故隐患的生产经营单位作出()的决定。 ["停止使用相关设施或者设备","停止施工","停止供电","停产停业","停止供应民用爆炸物品"] 你工作在一个地方销售办公室,负责导入导出SQL SERVER 2005数据库中的数据。现在,你的上级要求你以文本文件的形式发送给他你所在区域最新的客户信息。而且,上级的数据库管理员要求数据必须按照StateProvince,Surname,和FirstName三个字段进行排序。为了满足这些要求,最简单的方法应该是?() ["在bcp out 命令中为ORDER 提示指定StateProvince,Surname,和FirstName参数值","为导出操作创建一个格式文件。","在bcp queryout 命令的ORDER BY子句中指定StateProvince,Surname,和FirstName参数值。","首先拷贝数据到一个以StateProvince,Surname,和FirstName列作为聚集索引的新表中,然后再导出数据。"] 消防安全重点单位进行每日防火巡查应当包括()等内容。 ["用火、用电有无违章情况","安全出口、疏散通道是否畅通,安全疏散指示标志、应急照明是否完好","消防设施、器材和消防安全标志是否在位、完整","常闭式防火门是否处于关闭状态,防火卷帘下是否堆放物品影响使用","消防安全重点部位的人员在岗情况"] You are a network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. A user named Mary works in the information technology (IT) security department. Mary is a member of the ITSecurity global group. Mary reports that no one in the ITSecurity global group can access the security log from the console of a computer named Server1. You need to grant the ITSecurity global group the minimum rights necessary to view the security log on Server1. How should you modify the local security policy?() [" Assign the Generate security audits user right to the ITSecurity global group."," Assign the Manage auditing and security logs user right to the ITSecurity global group."," Assign the Allow logon through Terminal Services user right to the ITSecurity global group."," Assign the Act as part of the operating system user right to the ITSecurity global group."] 亲子签定的常用方法是什么? Photoshop中所运用的滤镜分为()滤镜和()滤镜。



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