

[单选] In determining that the()of the navigational watch is adequate to ensure that a proper look-out can continuously be maintained,the master shall take into account all relevant factors.

A . disposition
B . composition
C . reposition
D . positio

CIM模型中,间隔只有资产对象。 CVN是指什么()。 卡片验证码。 磁条校验码。 芯片校验码。 卡片和芯片校验码。 案件处理过程中,()等时间不计入案件办理期限。 A.听证。 B.告知。 C.鉴定。 D.调查。 In a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, badly worn intake valve guides can cause excessive(). exhaust pressure。 exhaust temperatures。 cooling water temperatures。 lube oil consumptio。 下列纤维纱纤维中有关结晶度的描述不正确的是() 粘胶纤维为40%。 麻纤维为90%。 无张力丝光棉为50%。 棉纤维约为80%。 In determining that the()of the navigational watch is adequate to ensure that a proper look-out can continuously be maintained,the master shall take into account all relevant factors.



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