

[名词解释] 公开市场原则

You created an encrypted tablespace: You then closed the encryption wallet because you were advised that this is secure. Later in the day, you attempt to create the EMPLOYEES table in the SECURESPACE tablespace with the SALT option on the EMPLOYEE column. Which is true about the result?() [" It creates the table successfully but does not encrypt any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet must be opened to encrypt columns with SALT."," It generates an error when creating the table because the wallet is closed."," It creates the table successfully, and encrypts any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet needs to be open only for tablespace creation."," It generates error when creating the table, because the salt option cannot be used with encrypted tablespaces."] The CALC function is used several times within the sales report. To simplify maintenance you want to store the function in one place and call it from within your PL/SQL trigger code. Which node would you use in object navigator to create a report level programme unit to store the function?() ["Programme units. ","PL\/SQL libraries. ","Database object. ","Built in packages."] What is the result?() ["The value "4" is printed at the command line.","Compilation fails because of an error in line 5.","Compilation fails because of an error in line 9.","A NullPointerException occurs at runtime.","A NumberFormatException occurs at runtime.","An IllegalStateException occurs at runtime."] 职工应当按照国家规定的本人工资的比例缴纳基本养老保险费,记入个人账户。无雇工的个体工商户、未在用人单位参加基本养老保险的非全日制从业人员以及其他灵活就业人员参加基本养老保险的,应当按照国家规定缴纳基本养老保险费,分别记入基本养老保险统筹基金和个人账户。 本程序设计界面及运行界面如下: 程序功能是:用户输入一个3位正整数后,按“确定”键,该数字的个位、十位、百位数字分别显示在输出框中。如果输入的数据不在规定范围之内,程序要给出错误提示。  请编写单击“确定”按钮的事件处理程序。 公开市场原则



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