


What is the result?()

A . collie
B . harrier
C . Compilation fails.
D . collie harrier
E . An exception is thrown at runtime.

女性,42岁,体重60kg,烧伤后3h送至医院。右上肢水肿明显,剧烈疼痛,有较大水疱;双下肢(不包括臀部)无水疱,皮肤焦黄色,触之不痛,如皮革样。输液过程中简便又可靠的观察指标是() 收缩压>90mmHg。 脉搏<120/min。 尿量>30ml/h。 中心静脉压正常。 肢端温暖。 在相同压力温度下天然气在油类中的溶解度要比在水中的溶解度() 大。 一样。 小。 The current time is 12:00 noon. You want to recover the USERS tablespace from a failure that occurred at 11:50 a.m. You discover that the only member of an unarchived redo log group containing information from 11:40 a.m. onwards is corrupt. With reference to this scenario, if you are not using Recovery Manager (RMAN), which recovery method would you use?()  time-based recovery。  log sequence recovery。  cancel-based recovery。  change-based recovery。 “刺激→反应→不协调→再认识”表示的顾客购买行为模式是() 复杂的购买行为模式。 不协调减少的购买行为模式。 寻求多样化的购买行为模式。 常规或习惯性购买行为模式。 You database is running an ARCHIVELOG mode. The following parameter are set in your database instance: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch+%t_%r.arc LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ‘LOCATION = /disk1/archive’ DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 50G DB_RECOVERY_FILE = ‘/u01/oradata’ Which statement is true about the archived redo log files?() They are created only in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter.。 They are created only in the Fast Recovery Area.。 They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/arch.。 They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the location specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter.。

What is the result?()




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