

[单选] If you are guilty of failure to properly perform your duties as Operator of Uninspected Towing Vessels,which of the following actions may NOT be taken? ()

A . Issuance of a letter of warning
B . Suspension of your license
C . Revocation of your license
D . A fine placed against your license

对角吊有什么危害? 如何计算建筑物顶部有维护结构的楼梯间、水箱间、电梯机房的建筑面积? 股票股利和股票分割的相同之处表现为() 都没有增加股东的现金流量。 都使流通在外的普通股股数增加。 会计处理相同。 都使股票市场价格下降。 现在银行所提出来的对劣质客户要建立淘汰机制是为了()。 转移风险。 分散风险。 规避风险。 抑制风险。 过道里的火不能从两个相对的方向同时扑救。 If you are guilty of failure to properly perform your duties as Operator of Uninspected Towing Vessels,which of the following actions may NOT be taken? ()



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