

[单选] In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship’s mooring system will().

A . pull the unit in the same direction that the weather is pushing it
B . pull the unit in the opposite direction that the weather is pushing it
C . tend to keep the unit on its original location over the well head
D . affect the unit's draft and inclination as maximum mooring tensions are reached

The () is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore. cranes。 winch barrel。 capstans。 windla。 储蓄国债(电子式)的额度有以下哪两项?() 原始额度。 基本额度。 机动额度。 追加额度。 对使用注册商标,其商品粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者的,各级工商行政管理部门应及时交由质量技术监督管理部门处理。() 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当签订转让协议,并共同向商标局提出备案。() ()with various arrangements of barrels are the usual mooring equipment used on board ships. cranes。 winches。 capstans。 windla。 In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship’s mooring system will().
参考答案: A



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