

[问答题] 盆栽及造型类:

Examine the data from the EMP table: EMP_ID DEPT_ID COMMISSION 1 10 500 2 20 1000 3 10 4 10 600 5 30 800 6 30 200 7 10 8 20 300 The COMMISSION column shows the monthly commission earned by the employee. Which three tasks would require subqueries or joins in order to perform in a single step? () [" Deleting the records of employees who do not earn commission."," Increasing the commission of employee 3 by the average commission earned in department 20."," Finding the number of employees who do NOT earn commission and are working for department 20."," Inserting into the table a new employee 10 who works for department 20 and earns a commission that is equal to the commission earned by employee 3."," Creating a table called COMMISSION that has the same structure and data as the columns EMP_ID and COMMISSIONS of the EMP table."," Decreasing the commission by 150 for the employees who are working in department 30 and earning a commission of more then 800."] 开孔刀的刀齿一般由()个构成一组。 ["1","3","4","5"] Your application demands frequent connection and disconnection from the database. You have three listener processes that are listening for the database PROD. While setting up the connect string using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control, which two options would you select to balance the connection load across all the listener processes?() ["Use only the first address.","Try one address,selected at random.","Try each address,in order,until one succeeds.","Try each address,randomly,until one succeeds."] Given: Which statement is true?() ["Compilation fails.","An exception is thrown at runtime.","Synchronizing the run() method would make the class thread-safe.","The data in variable "x" are protected from concurrent access problems.","Declaring the doThings() method as static would make the class thread-safe."] 温家宝在讲话中提出新时期水利重点工作不包括() ["突出加强农田水利建设","着力保障城乡居民饮水安全","全面提高全民水患意识","健全加快水利发展的保障机制"] 盆栽及造型类:



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