

[单选] Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.

A . when
B . where
C . which
D . that

下列关于选择的说法中错误的有哪些() 选择对于有性生殖的生物效果最显著。 选择压力负值时,表示决定这一性状的基因会被选择。 对于多基因控制的性状,可以不通过突变,只通过选择就会产生新的表现型。 在一个环境中,当选择压增加时,生物的变异型会大量增加。 依据《用人单位职业病危害告知与警示标识管理规范》,密闭空间作业场所出入口应设置“密闭空间作业危险”、“进入需许可”等警示标识。 Crankcase sweating in a refrigeration system is caused by (). a stuck solenoid valve。 a shortage of refrigerant。 too much oil in circulation。 too much superheat。 以设立担保机构方式提供担保发放的小额担保贷款,经商经办银行和担保机构同意,经办银行和担保机构可适当承担一定的贷款损失风险,但总额最高不超过贷款损失的()。 1%。 3%。 5%。 7%。 由陈凯歌执导的影片()面世后,在国内外影坛引起很大震动,成为“第五代导演”投石问路的一部重要代表作。 黄土地。 红高粱。 巴山夜雨。 老井。 Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.



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