

[问答题] 简要叙述机器设备评估的基本步骤。

在制定行车计划时,若要求在一个小时内发出11个车次,车辆的周转时间均为70min,则最少需要投入多少车辆?   You notice a high number of waits for the db file scattered read and db file sequential read events in the recent Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. After further investigation, you find that queries are performing too many full table scans and indexes are not being used even though the filter columns are indexed. Identify three possible reasons for this.() [" Missing or stale histogram statistics"," Undersized shared pool"," High clustering factor for the indexes"," High value for the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter"," Oversized buffer cache"] 两台变压器并列运行时,如果其他条件相同,只有短路电压不同,则()。 ["短路电压大的变压器带负荷多","短路电压小的变压器带负荷多","两台负荷一样多"] 关于肝药酶诱导剂的叙述,正确的是() ["能增强肝药酶的活性","加速其他药物的代谢","减慢其他药物的代谢","是药物产生自身耐受性的原因","使其他药物血药浓度降低"] In your test database, you find that a user’s session is executing a lot of SQL statements, resulting in the generation of a large number of trace files. While investigating the reason, you find that SQL trace has been enabled at the instance level. You want to disable SQL trace, remotely, only for that user session to reduce the volume of trace data being generated.How do you achieve this objective?() [" by setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE in the parameter file"," by using DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_DISABLE to disable the tracing for the user session"," by setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SYSTEM command in the user session"," by setting the SQL_TRACE parameter to FALSE by using the ALTER SESSION command in the user sessio"] 简要叙述机器设备评估的基本步骤。



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