

[单选] 描写了祖孙三代女人故事的小说是()

A . 王安忆《长恨歌》
B . 迟子建的《日落碗窑》
C . 苏童的《妇女生活》
D . 莫言的《红高粱》

Examine the data from the ORDERS and CUSTOMERS table. ORDERS ORD_ID ORD_DATE CUST_ID ORD_TOTAL 100 12-JAN-2000 15 10000 09-MAR- 101 40 8000 09-MAR- 102 35 12500 15-MAR- 103 15 12000 104 25-JUN-2000 15 6000 105 18-JUL-2000 20 5000 106 18-JUL-2000 35 7000 107 21-JUL-2000 20 6500 04-AUG- 108 10 8000 CUSTOMERS CUST_ID CUST_NAME CITY 10 Smith Los Angeles 15 Bob San Francisco 20 Martin Chicago 25 Mary New York 30 Rina Chicago 35 Smith New York 40 Linda New York Which SQL statement retrieves the order ID, customer ID, and order total for the orders that are placed on the same day that Martin places his orders?()   SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders, customers WHERE cust_name='Mating' AND ord _ date IN ('18-JUL-2000','21-JUL-2000');。 SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders Where ord_date IN (SELECT ord_date FROM orders WHERE cust_id = (SELECT cust_id FROM customers WHERE cust_name = 'MARTIN'));。 SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders Where ord_date IN (SELECT ord_date FROM orders, customers Where cust _ name = 'Martin');。 SELECT ord_id, cust_id, ord_total FROM orders WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id FROM customers WHERE cust name = 'Martin')。 事先没有明确目的,也没有经过特殊的意志努力的识记,这种识记是()。 意义识记。 机械识记。 有意识记。 无意识记。 Which two statements about the background process of thedatabase writerare true()  It is possible to have multiple database writers in an Oracle instance.。 It writes dirty buffers, if any, to data files whenever a checkpoint occurs.。 It writes dirty buffers, if any, to data files whenever a transaction commits.。 It writes dirty buffers, if any, to data files before the log writer (LGWR) writes.。 You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. You added atablespaceto your database. Because of the changes to the physical structure of your database, you performed a backup of the control file to trace. After this, you lost only the control files and the instance aborted due to a hardware failure.  How would you proceed to recover the database?() Start the instance and open the database, instance recovery automatically recovers control files 。 Create a file based on the contents of the trace file and save it to the control file locations and start the database 。 Re-create the database (The recovery of the control file is not possible because you have lost all the control files.) 。 Start the instance, in the NOMOUNTstate,re-create the control file using the CREATE CONTROLFILE command stored in the trace file. 。 Start the instance and MOUNT the database, then re-create the control file using the CREATE CONTROLFILE command stored in the trace file.。 社会保险费有养老保险费和()等 失业保险费。 医疗保险费。 生育保险费。 工伤保险费。 描写了祖孙三代女人故事的小说是()



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