

[多选] 下列选项中会引起采煤工作面瓦斯积聚()。

A . 配风量不足
B . 开采强度大
C . 通风系统短路
D . 工作面无风障

在某施工合同履行中,由于监理工程师指令错误给施工单位造成5万元损失,该损失由()承担。 监理工程师。 总监理工程师。 监理单位。 建设单位。 试述采用测回法观测水平角一测回的操作步骤、记录、计算方法。 越冬洄游 跌水和陡坡的区别 What does a router do?() Stores data on the network and connects the local-area network (LAN) to the wide-area network (WAN)。 Routes traffic down alternative paths and connects the local-area network (LAN) to the wide- area network (WAN)。 Broadcasts data to all devices that are connected to it across the local-area network (LAN) and wide-area network (WAN)。 Reads Media Access Control (MAC) addresses to forward messages to the correct location and connects the local-area network (LAN) to the wide-area network (WAN)。 下列选项中会引起采煤工作面瓦斯积聚()。



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