


Your computer runs Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic edition. When you attempt to upgrade your computer to Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate edition by booting from the DVD- ROM you receive the following warning message:
“The partition you selected might contain tiles from a previous Microsoft Windows installation.If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Microsoft Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Microsoft Windows.old, but you will not be able to use your previous version of Microsoft Windows.”
You need to complete the upgrade.
 What should you do?()

A . A
B . B
C . C
D . D

《安全生产法》规定,()依法组织职工参加本单位安全生产工作的民主管理和民主监督,维护职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。 董事会。 工会。 法定代表人。 安全生产主要负责人。 ()定位技术是基于测量信号从移动台发送出去并到达消息测量单元(3个或更多基站)的时间来定位。 手机独立。 角度到达AO。 抵达时间差异TDOA。 抵达时间TOA。 供应链企业在生产系统中使用跟踪机制的根本目的是保证对上游企业的服务 质量。 桥面伸缩缝预埋件宜采用高强防裂水泥混凝土固定,伸缩缝安装后养护()天以上或采取相应措施后方可开放交通。 3天。 7天。 14天。 28天。 ()为预防和制止严重危害社会治安秩序的行为,必要时可以实行交通管制。 A、地市级以上公安机关 。 B、县级以上公安机关 。 C、省级以上公安机关 。 D、只有公安部。

Your computer runs Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic edition. When you attempt to upgrade your computer to Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate edition by booting from the DVD- ROM you receive the following warning message:
“The partition you selected might contain tiles from a previous Microsoft Windows installation.If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Microsoft Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Microsoft Windows.old, but you will not be able to use your previous version of Microsoft Windows.”
You need to complete the upgrade.
 What should you do?()




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