

[问答题] 软体动物门分为哪几类?

Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: Which statement shows the department ID, minimum salary, and maximum salary paid in that department, only of the minimum salary is less then 5000 and the maximum salary is more than 15000?() [" SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary(, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) > 15000;"," SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) > 15000 GROUP BY dept_id;"," SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees HAVING MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) > 15000;"," SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id HAVING MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) < 15000;"," SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, salary HAVING MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) > 15000"] 按桩身完整性类别分类,桩身有轻微缺陷,不会影响桩身结构承载力的正常发挥的桩属于()。 ["Ⅰ类桩","Ⅱ类桩","Ⅲ类桩","Ⅳ类桩"] 税收优惠的形式包括()。 ["减免税","税收抵免","递延纳税","出口退税"] 严禁天线与7/8”、5/4”馈线直接相连,应先与()跳线连接,再连接7/8”、5/4”馈线。 ["7\/8","5\/4","1\/2","3\/4"] From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT statement: SELECT* FROM order; You use this statement to retrieve data from a data table for (). [" Updating"," Viewing"," Deleting"," Inserting"," Truncating"] 软体动物门分为哪几类?



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