

[单选] You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. In a production environment, users complain about the slow response time when accessing the database. You have not optimized the memory usage of the Oracle instance and you suspect the problem to be with the memory. To which type of object would you refer to determine the cause of the slow response?()

A . The trace file
B . The fixed views
C . The data dictionary views
D . The operating system log fields
E . The dynamic performance views.

You plan to use the In Database Archiving feature of Oracle Database 12c, and store rows that are inactive for over three months, in Hybrid Columnar Compressed (HCC) format. Which three storage options support the use of HCC?() ASM disk groups with ASM disks consisting of Exadata Grid Disks.。 ASM disk groups with ASM disks consisting of LUNS on any Storage Area Network array。 ASM disk groups with ASM disks consisting of any zero padded NFS-mounted files。 Database files stored in ZFS and accessed using conventional NFS mounts.。 Database files stored in ZFS and accessed using the Oracle Direct NFS feature。 Database files stored in any file system and accessed using the Oracle Direct NFS feature。 ASM disk groups with ASM disks consisting of LUNs on Pillar Axiom Storage array。 某群众在马路上捡拾到一个钱包(内有人民币23000元),送交值勤民警寻找失主。民警寻找失主未果,乘机据为己有。民警的行为构成() 诈骗罪。 贪污罪。 侵占罪。 职务侵占罪。 Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.LAST_NAME,e.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES e, DEPARTMENTS d WHERE e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID; In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?() selection, projection, join。 difference, projection, join。 selection, intersection, join。 intersection, projection, join。 difference, projection, product。 2004年1月,原告杨某(男)结识了被告韩某(女)。同年8月27日,韩某用手机发短信给杨某,向他借钱应急,短信中说:“我需要5000元,刚回北京做了眼睛手术,不能出门,你汇到我的卡里。”杨某见短信后立即将钱汇给了韩某。一周后,杨某再次收到韩某的短信,又借给其6000元并汇到了韩某的账户。因都是短信来往,两次汇款杨先生都没有索要借据。借了两次钱后,韩某非但没有还钱,反而继续向杨某借钱。杨某起了疑心,要求韩还钱。但几经催要,韩某只是发短信说:“我一定还,但需要等一段时间。”可韩某还是久欠未还,杨某逐将韩某告上了法庭。并提交了银行汇款单存单两张。但韩某却称这是杨先生归还以前欠她的欠款。法院审理认为,手机短信载明的款项数额、往来时间与杨某在银行的业务凭证相符,同时短信还载明了被告承诺偿还借款的意思表示,证据间相互印证,故可以认定被告向原告借款的事实。据此,法院判令被告韩某偿还原告人民币1.1万元。本案中的手机短信是数据电文吗?其证据力如何? When will a skills-based CSQ that requires a skill competency of four (4) select an IPCC Express agent? () if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of nine (9) in another skill defined in CRS 。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of one (1) in the required skill for the CSQ。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of seven (7) in the required skill for the CSQ。 if the ICD agent is available and has a skill competency of three (3) in the required skill defined in CRS。 You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. In a production environment, users complain about the slow response time when accessing the database. You have not optimized the memory usage of the Oracle instance and you suspect the problem to be with the memory. To which type of object would you refer to determine the cause of the slow response?()




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