

[单选] () unit is mounted so as to raise and lower the cable from the spurling pipe, which is at the top and center of the chain or cable locker.

A . The cable lifter
B . The hoisting motor
C . The topping wire
D . The life-raft

唐代时期,长安城内的“胡化”现象表现为() 吃胡食。 穿胡服。 奏胡乐。 跳胡旋舞。 战勤保障班配备班长、副班长各1人,总数编可按5―8人确定。 高温气冷核电反应堆按照堆芯燃料结构形式可分为哪2种? 福万通贷记卡账单日是每月()日。 1。 15。 20。 21。 The American Petroleum Institute recommends magnetic particle inspection for(). anchor chain。 wire rope。 connecting links。 pendant wire。 () unit is mounted so as to raise and lower the cable from the spurling pipe, which is at the top and center of the chain or cable locker.



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