

[单选] Which statement concerning the carriage of containers is TRUE?().

A . The Chief Mate and Master of a container ship should have the proposed stowage plan ready for the stevedore upon arrival in port
B . When stowed on deck of a break bulk ship,the bottom of the container must be evenly supported throughout
C . With tiered containers,a 40-foot container may be stowed on top of two 20-foot containers
D . Deck load calculations must take into account the square footage of the entire container bottom

清算机构提出的清算报告连同清算期间内收支报表和各种财务账册,应经()后一并报主管财政机关。 A.工商行政管理部门批准。 B.中国注册会计师审计。 C.中国注册税务师验证。 D.主管财政机关批准。 银行产品策略不包括()。 产品开发策略。 产品定价策略。 产品市场策略。 营销策略。 女儿墙高度如何计算? 破产企业被整体接收的,安置期间的职工生活费由接收方企业发放,从企业()中发放。 税后利润。 营业外支出。 管理费用。 留存收益。 什么是檐高? Which statement concerning the carriage of containers is TRUE?().



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