

[单选] A double suction centrifugal pump impeller has been installed in the reverse direction, and will ().

A . have a greater head capacity
B . operate with increased impeller efficiency
C . discharge through the suction side of the pump casing
D . require more power to run the shaft

In modern times,the work of stowage is generally deputed to stevedores,but that does not generally relieve the shipowners()their duties even though the stevedores are,under the charter-party,to be appointed by the Charterers. to。 by。 in。 of。 矿井排水是将流入井下的水集中起来,再排至地面。 简述电路的十条纪律。 PowerPoint 2003中,演示文稿的基本组成单元是()。 文本。 图形。 超链点。 幻灯片。 试述楼板层的组成? A double suction centrifugal pump impeller has been installed in the reverse direction, and will ().



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