

[单选] The wealth of a country should be measured()the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.

A . in line with
B . in terms of
C . in regard with
D . by means of

活塞连杆组的主要零件有()。 活塞。 活塞环。 活塞销。 气缸套。 查尔斯·伊姆斯在家具新结构、新材料的方面有许多独特创新,试举三例说明? 装饰砂浆是涂抹在建筑物内外墙表面,主要是增加建筑物美观。 为什么说美国纽约现代艺术博物馆是现代设计的播种机? 姜夔《满江红》:“相从诸娣玉为冠”中“娣”指()。 妇女。 未出嫁的女子。 侍从的女子。 小女孩。 The wealth of a country should be measured()the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.



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