

[单选] 根据《注册造价师工程管理办法》,取得造价工程师执业资格证书的人员,自资格证书签发之日起1年后申请初始注册的,应当提供()证明。

A . 工程造价咨询业绩
B . 社会基本养老保险
C . 医疗保险
D . 继续教育合格

简述令牌环的原理。 构件堆放应有一定的挂钩绑扎间距,堆放时,相邻构件之间的间距不小于()。 A.100mm 。 B.150mm 。 C.200mm 。 D.250mm。 A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client and service share the following service contract interface: [ServiceContract] public interface IContosoService { [OperationContract] void SavePerson(Person person); } They also use the following binding: NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding() { TransactionFlow = true }; The client calls the service with the following code: using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) { IContosoService client = factory.CreateChannel(); client.SavePerson(person); Console.WriteLine(Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier); ts.Complete(); } The service has the following implementation for SavePerson: public void IContosoService.SavePerson(Person person) { person.Save(); Console.WriteLine(Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier); } The distributed identifiers do not match on the client and the server. You need to ensure that the client and server enlist in the same distributed transaction. What should you do?() 。 布鲁姆认为,学习着学习前面的内容要达到80%-90%的正确率,才能开始后面的学习,请从影响学习迁移的主要因素来分析这一观点。 婚姻家庭制度 根据《注册造价师工程管理办法》,取得造价工程师执业资格证书的人员,自资格证书签发之日起1年后申请初始注册的,应当提供()证明。



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