

[单选] In the Northern Hemisphere the major ocean currents tend to flow().

A . clockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
B . clockwise or counterclockwise depending on whether it is warm or cold current
C . counterclockwise except in the Gulf Stream
D . counterclockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Ocea

磁盘可分为()和()两大类。 2016年l1月16-18日,第三届世界互联网大会在水永久会议举办地――浙江乌镇举行,来自世界各地的互联网巨头们以“创新驱动造福人类――携手共建网络空间命运共同体”为主题展开热烈讨论,共商合作共赢大计。各国游客、来宾张会议期间可欣赏到的乌镇美景的是() 。 怎样提高扦插育苗成活率? Which one is NOT the ‘clear grounds’ for a more detailed inspection?() no operation procedures for the oil separators。 engine log book missing。 the master and the chief engineer are unable to communicate effectively。 absence of an up-date muster list。 小学作文教学可分为三个阶段。高年级着重训练() 连词成句的能力。 连句成段的能力。 连段成篇的能力。 思想内容统一的能力。 In the Northern Hemisphere the major ocean currents tend to flow().



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