

[单选] You perform a security audit of a server named CRM1. You want to build a list of all DNS requests that are initiated by the server. You install the Microsoft network monitor 3.0 application on CRM1. You capture all local traffic on CRM1 for 24hours. You save the capture file as data.cap. you find that the size of this file is more than 1GB. You need to create a file named DNSdata.cap from the existing capture file that contains only DNS –related data what should you do?()

A . Apply the display filter IDNS and save the displayed frames as DNSdata.cap file.
B . Apply the capture filter IDNS and save the displayed frames as DNSdata.cap file.
C . Add a new alisa named DNS to the aliases table and save the file as DNSdata.cap.
D . Run the nmcap.exe /inputcapture data.cap /capture DNS /file DNSdata.cap command.

生产企业连续停产半年以上的,须经省级药品监督管理局对现场质量体系进行审查和产品抽查,合格后方可恢复生产,连续停产一年以上的,其产品注册证书自行失效。 什么是首次效应?首次效应在旅游服务中友什么作用? 通过购买应用软件包建立信息系统的方法称为()。 生命周期法。 原型法。 软件包开发法。 外包法。 您正在测试一个名为PersistToDB的新开发的方法。此方法接受EventLogEntry类型的参数。此方法不返回值。 您需要创建一个可帮助您测试该方法的代码段。代码段必须从本地计算机的应用程序日志中读取条目,然后将条目传递到PersistToDB方法。代码块必须只将Error或Warning类型的事件从源“MySource”传递到PersistToDB方法。您应该使用哪个代码段?() A。 B。 C。 D。 北京某建筑公司有3名工程师通过全国统考取得了二级建造师资格证书,其中:刘某因工作单位变动需通过新聘用单位注册,刘某通过新聘用单位进行的注册属于() 初始注册。 延续注册。 变更注册。 增项注册。 You perform a security audit of a server named CRM1. You want to build a list of all DNS requests that are initiated by the server. You install the Microsoft network monitor 3.0 application on CRM1. You capture all local traffic on CRM1 for 24hours. You save the capture file as data.cap. you find that the size of this file is more than 1GB. You need to create a file named DNSdata.cap from the existing capture file that contains only DNS –related data what should you do?()



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