

[多选] 下列选项中属于小学语文教学的基本原则的是()

A . 学习语文与认识事物相统一的原则
B . 语言文字训练与思想教育相统一的原则
C . 课内外语文教育相结合的原则
D . 语文知识教学与培养能力、发展智力相结合的原则

什么原因使运行中的TA发生不正常音响? A coastal current(). is generated by waves striking the beach。 flows outside the surf zone。 flows in a circular pattern。 is also known as a longshore current。 The() should be shut once upon FWE. fuel oil。 cooling water。 air compressor。 auxiliary blower。 A backlash below a lock is defined as(). a current setting your vessel on the wall。 a current setting into the lock chamber。 an eddy working along the lower guide wall。 a current setting counterclockwise。 The ()should be kept running for about half an hour after FWE. crankcase lubricating oil pump。 fuel oil pump。 air compressor。 auxiliary blower。 下列选项中属于小学语文教学的基本原则的是()



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