

[多选] Which two design concerns must be addressed when designing a multicast implementation?()

A . only the low-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses
B . only the low-order 24 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses
C . only the high-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses
D . only the low-order 23 bits of the IP address are used to map MAC addresses
E . the 0x01004f MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses
F . the 0x01005e MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresse

义务论的具体表达形式是人们()做什么和()做什么,以及如何做才是道德的。 明分使群 如何在教学中提高小学儿童的概括水平? 行为治疗模式的治疗技术有哪几种? 常年保障应急供电服务全年提供()次,每次不超过()小时应急供电服务,当市电不能保障客户设备正常运转时,根据预案按时到达现场。 3;3。 3;4。 4;3。 4;4。 Which two design concerns must be addressed when designing a multicast implementation?()



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