

[问答题] 香港刑法所规定的主要抗辩理由有哪些?

唐太宗说“诏敕如有不稳便,皆须执论……”诏敕出自()。 ["中书省","尚书省","门下省","皇帝"] 下列行为中不属于正当防卫的() ["假想防卫","事前防卫","防卫挑拨","事后防卫"] 线路保护为方向电流速断,功率方向继电器采用90°接线方式,在线路阻抗角为70°时,其灵敏角整定应为()。 ["30°","-30°","70°"] 人民法院审理涉及家庭暴力的案件,可以根据公安机关()等证据,认定家庭暴力事实。 ["出警记录","告诫书","伤情鉴定意见"] Examine the following query output: You issue the following command to import tables into the hr schema: $ > impdp hr/hr directory = dumpdir dumpfile = hr_new.dmp schemas=hr TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING: Y Which statement is true?() [" All database operations performed by the impdp command are logged."," Only CREATE INDEX and CREATE TABLE statements generated by the import are logged."," Only CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements generated by the import are logged."," None of the operations against the master table used by Oracle Data Pump to coordinate its activities are logged."] 香港刑法所规定的主要抗辩理由有哪些?



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