


You are working as a DBA on the decision support system. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactions for at least three years for a few tables in the database. Automatic undo management is enabled in the database. 
Which configuration should you use to accomplish this task?()

A .  Enable Flashback Data Archive for the tables.
B .  Specify undo retention guarantee for the database.
C .  Enable supplemental logging for the database.
D .  Query V$UNDOSTAT to determine the amount of undo that will be generated and create an undo tablespace for that size.
E .  Create Flashback Data Archive on the tablespace on which the tables are stored.

钢筋连接完毕后,标准性接头连接套筒外应有外露有效螺纹,且连接套筒单边外露有效螺纹不得超过()。注:P指螺距。 1P。 1.5P。 2P。 2.5P。 A warehouse fact table in your Oracle 12c Database is range-partitioned by month and accessed frequently with queries that span multiple partitions The table has a local prefixed, range partitioned index. Some of these queries access very few rows in some partitions and all the rows in other partitions, but these queries still perform a full scan for all accessed partitions. This commonly occurs when the range of dates begins at the end of a month or ends close to the start of a month. You want an execution plan to be generated that uses indexed access when only a few rows are accessed from a segment, while still allowing full scans for segments where many rows are returned. Which three methods could transparently help to achieve this result?() Using a partial local Index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled to the table partitions that return most of their rows to the queries.。 Using a partial local Index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled for the table partitions that return a few rows to the queries.。 Using a partitioned view that does a UNION ALL query on the partitions of the warehouse fact table, which retains the existing local partitioned column.。 Converting the partitioned table to a partitioned view that does a UNION ALL query on the monthly tables, which retains the existing local partitioned column。 Using a partial global index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabling for the table partitions that return most of their rows to the queries.。 Using a partial global index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled for the table partitions that return a few rows to the queries.。 国家多渠道筹集社会保险资金。县级以上人民政府对社会保险事业给予必要的经费支持。 You want to create a template to be used as a standard for all company reports. What is the easiest way to do this?() Open an existing template file, rename it and modify the template objects. 。 Open the report wizard and create a new template. 。 Open the layout model and copy the paste items from the default templates provided in report builder. 。 Templates cannot be modified in release 2.。 系统在运行中受到大干拢,同步发电机能否维持稳定运行称为()。 动态稳定。 静态稳定。 系统抗干扰能力。

You are working as a DBA on the decision support system. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactions for at least three years for a few tables in the database. Automatic undo management is enabled in the database. 
Which configuration should you use to accomplish this task?()




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