

[单选] Where are the test certificates,for wire rope used as cargo runners,and loose gear certificates usually maintained? ()

A . With the Cargo Gear Register on the ship
B . In the Official Log
C . At the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office with the vessel's inspection records
D . At the central records center of the agency testing the cargo gear

良好的散热是保证LED照明系统稳定工作的必要条件。 Where would you find a list of the lifesaving equipment onboard your supply boat? () Ship's Articles。 Muster List ("Station Bill")。 Certificate of Inspection。 Coast Guard Regulatio。 海洋活性物质主要有哪几类()。 生物信息物质。 生理活性物质。 海洋生物毒素。 生物功能材料。 强化()管理有利于规范银行和客户双方的行为,降低银行业金融机构经营风险。 借据。 调查报告。 合同。 增值税发票。 移动式海上石油钻井平台有哪几种()。 坐底式。 自升式。 半潜式。 钻井船。 Where are the test certificates,for wire rope used as cargo runners,and loose gear certificates usually maintained? ()



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