

[单选] Which vessel when anchored at night,would not be required to show anchor lights? ()

A . A vessel engaged in underwater operations
B . A vessel engaged in mine clearance
C . A vessel engaged on pilotage duty
D . A vessel engaged in survey operatio

The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be able to put the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in no more than () with the ship at its deepest service draught and running ahead at the greater of one half of the maximum service speed or (). 28 seconds;7 knots。 28 seconds;14 knots。 60 seconds;7 knots。 60 seconds;14 knot。 しろい意思正确的是()。 黒い。 赤い。 白い。 黄色い。 VB中,mid("A2B4",2,1)的值是() 2B。 0。 2。 4。 EDCs一般是脂溶性物质,分子较小,进入人体后,主要贮存在:() 骨组织。 肌肉细胞。 神经细胞。 脂肪细胞。 以下对于危险品包装等级表述正确的是()。 I级包装危险性最大。 II级包装危险性最大。 III级包装危险性最大。 危险性大小与包装等级无关。 Which vessel when anchored at night,would not be required to show anchor lights? ()



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