

[单选] A multistage centrifugal pump can be BEST described as having ().

A . two or more impellers housed together in one casing and mounted on a single shaft
B . a single stepped impeller mounted in a progressively staged casing
C . a large radial clearance between the impeller and casing to prevent overheating due to
D . an increase in the discharge velocity of the liquid with a corresponding decrease in pressure through the stage

自然人为企(事)业单位提供担保(含保证担保、抵押担保和质押担保等)时才需要配发贷款卡编码,自然人配发贷款卡编码由()向当地人民银行提出申请。 发生担保业务的金融机构。 借款人。 担保人。 客户经理。 Where events have rendered performance of the contract illegal either by English law or by the law of the country in which performance was to have taken place,the Charterer will()from the liability to provide a cargo. be provided。 be excused。 be supplied。 be replied。 基层信用社审贷小组作为贷款利率定价(),负责在贷款定价办公室的授权范围内对其信贷员进行授权,确定贷款执行利率。 前台。 中台。 后台。 基层信用社信贷员作为贷款利率定价(),负责在基层信用社审贷小组授权范围内确定贷款利率。 前台。 中台。 后台。 装载动物出境的运输工具,其检疫要求是() 装载后,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行消毒处理。 装载前,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行熏蒸处理。 装载后,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行熏蒸处理。 装载前,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行消毒处理。 A multistage centrifugal pump can be BEST described as having ().



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