

[单选] The various pumps and lines are () to some extent so that each pump can act as an alternative for another.

A . interlocked
B . interconnected
C . interfered
D . interacted

()are included in the Queen’s enemies. Public enemies。 Pirates。 Robbers。 The enemies of the state to which the merchants belong。 简述上级听取下级汇报时应注意的礼仪。 中小金融机构案件责任追究方式中,属于纪律处分的是()。 扣减绩效收入。 赔偿经济损失。 警告。 通报批评。 冲压生产中预防废品的措施有哪些? 简述下级向上级领导汇报工作时应注意的礼仪。 The various pumps and lines are () to some extent so that each pump can act as an alternative for another.



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