

[单选] If an anchor windlass has been idle for some time, you should ().

A . repack all valve stems
B . lubricate it prior to use
C . replace the foundation bolts
D . balance the warping head

简述锚头鱼蚤病的症状和病理变化。 敏感炸药要轻拿轻放,工业炸药没必要轻拿轻放。 对()的分析是确定目标行业的最直接依据。 行业周期性。 国家政策。 行业特点。 以上均不对。 植物体内最多的组织是什么?() 表皮组织。 薄壁组织。 机械组织。 维管组织。 If the Shipowner has failed to carry out a term of a time charter-party whereby he undertakes to maintain the vessel in a seaworthy state,this only()the Charterer to sue him for damages,and not to repudiate the charter-party. complies。 entitles。 supplies。 provide。 If an anchor windlass has been idle for some time, you should ().



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