

[单选] According to the regulations for mobile offshore drilling units,“industrial personnel” are considered to be all persons carried on the ship for the sole purpose of carrying out the industrial business of the unit,except for().

A . the operator's representative
B . the crew required by the Certificate of Inspection
C . the galley personnel
D . the designated person in charge

战勤保障大队9米拉梯储备数量为5架。 什么是建筑工程计价定额? 万通借记卡累计取款金额在()万元(含)以上,还需持卡人出示有效身份证件。 1。 3。 5。 7。 战勤保障大队消火栓扳手储备数量为15把。 关于1Gbps Gigabit Ethernet说法不正确的是()。 用介质独立接口MII将MAC子层与物理层分隔。 提速方法与从10Mbps提升到100Mbps相同。 每个比特发送速率由10Mbps的100ns降低到1ns。 IEEE802.3是GigabitEthernet的标准。 According to the regulations for mobile offshore drilling units,“industrial personnel” are considered to be all persons carried on the ship for the sole purpose of carrying out the industrial business of the unit,except for().



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